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*All Guests Please Follow the Below Steps in order to Register and Apply
In order to apply for the clan correctly, please follow the steps below in correct numerical order.
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STEP 1: Register on the forums. (Username MUST be GAMERTAG) **CLICK HERE**
You will need to register an account on the forums to proceed to the following steps. After this step, please come back to this page in order to move onto Step 2.
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STEP 2: Read the Clan Rules before moving further, **CLICK HERE**
Before applying for the clan, it is mandatory that you read and understand the rules set for the clan, therefore you can enter our games and understand how the games are ran and what is expected by you as a member of the clan.
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STEP 3: Complete the Application to Join Clan, be sure to read the instructions. **CLICK HERE**
Now you need to complete an application in order to join the clan, simply click above and follow all of the instructions provided on how to correctly complete the application, as all incorrectly posted applications will be denied without question.
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Who's Online [Complete List]
1 user active in the past 15 minutes (0 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 1 guest).
Board Statistics
Our members have made a total of 1,404 posts in 310 threads.
We currently have 10 members registered.
Please welcome our newest member, Sundassa
The most users online at one time was 87 on 08-18-2013 at 08:33 AM

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